Saturday 9 March 2013

Balmer Lawn to Pignal Inclosure

Saturday 9th March 2013

We had a 3 mile walk today from the Balmer Lawn car park, on the outskirts of Brockenhurst, round Pignal Inclosure and back.  It was a fine afternoon and it was the first time this year that I ventured out without gloves on. 

There was still plenty of surface water about but we only walked on forest tracks so there was no mud!  We saw a buzzard quite close overhead almost as soon as we left the car park,  I wanted to take a photo of it but it kept circling and I couldn't keep up with it. 

I took a photo of a new forest pony and almost as soon as I had taken it the horse looked up and made a beeline for me and my coat pocket which had polos in it!!  I got a bit of a wriggle on to get away from it but it kept up - obviously it fancied a polo - it didn't get one!

There was a grim notice and photo on the gate into Pignal Inclosure asking for help to track down a dog that has been worrying and killing deer in the area - not good.  It  was fairly busy this afternoon with walkers so we didn't see any deer, but we did see plenty of dogs.

At Pignal Inclosure there was lots of destruction, the forestry commission are thinning out the oaks and beeches I found it all a bit sad.  Take a look.

On a more positive note, I was determined to find some frogspawn on our walk and after a bit of searching we found a small amount in a shallow pond not far from the car. 

Soon after this it came over very dark over Will's mothers, so it was time to get back to the car, luckily the rain held off until we got to the M27.

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