Friday 22 March 2013

Rook's Beak

Friday 22nd March 2013

What have we here?  A rook with an overgrown beak.  I have seen a rook in the garden feeding oddly  in the past and assumed it was because it's beak is so large and the food so small that it has to feed sort of sideways.  However, this week the eagle-eyed one in our household happened to notice the overgrown beak and managed to get a photo of it (out of focus - he moaned!).  I will keep an eye out for this rook in future and see how it gets on but we don't get rooks in the garden every day, one just pops in now and then.  Incidentally for such large birds with an evil looking beak they are probably one of the most nervous jumpy birds that visit our garden.

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