Monday 18 March 2013

Around Southampton Waterfront

Monday 18th March 2013

We made a last minute decision to try and find a couple of micro caches in central Southampton this afternoon.  We parked in Mayflower Park where there were lots of young Herring Gulls, still brown but beginning to turn grey on the top of their wings.  I tried to get a photo but they were very camera shy so I gave up.  There were lots of Black Headed Gulls too, most of them have got their black feathers back on their heads but a few looked distinctly mouldy. 
Nearly black headed gull

Not quite so black headed gull

We managed to find the first cache fairly quickly so we walked on over to Town Quay where we had less success with the cache there.  (You can only spend so long stealthing about under the CCTV cameras!!) 

We had a great view of the Oriana which is due to leave this evening - shame it's going downhill in my photo!  It then started to rain and I got cold so it was back to the car.  There are lots of extra large puddle/lakes of water all  over the grass in Mayflower Park, all being used by seagulls and ducks.

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