Sunday 17 March 2013

Here Comes The Rain Again

Sunday 17th March 2013

We've had a couple of weeks of dry weather but this weekend it's been back to rain and even more rain.  We decided to venture out this afternoon despite the weather, it wasn't worth going far so we chose to have a 2.5 mile walk around Southampton Common again.  There was water everywhere, the paths were awash in places, ditches overflowing and small streams fit to burst. 

Not everyone seemed fed up with the conditions though............... a pair of ducks were quite happy on a newly formed lake, one of many!

Another newly formed lake - the water quite obviously has nowhere to go following so much heavy rain over the past few months.  This afternoon the rain had obviously put most people off a Sunday afternoon stroll/jog/run - it was very quiet apart from one hardy jogger who we saw over and over again!  There was little in the way of nature about, mind you can you blame things for staying at home?

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