Friday 29 March 2013

Millyford Bridge (+ A Dead Buzzard)

Good Friday 29th March 2013

Todays Bank Holiday walk was at Millyford Bridge near Lyndhurst.  Luckily we got moving fairly early and beat most of the traffic in Lyndhurst (coming home was another story, the traffic was queueing for about  1.5 miles into Lyndhurst on the Cadnam road - with 23 caravans in amongst it all).  At one point we were walking along a grassy track to find a geocache when we came across a very sad sight, a dead buzzard.  It appeared to be recently dead I would guess within the last day, with no obvious cause of death.  We checked for a ring on it's legs but there wasn't one, so we moved it off of the track.  It was a very large bird with fantastic markings on it's feathers, it was such a shame it was deceased!  On a more positive note, on the way home in the car I saw two buzzards in places you would expect to see them, one sitting high up in a tree and the other soaring in the sky.

A very sad sight.

Having successfully found the cache, we had a bit of a walk along the river, Highland Water, where we spotted two Mallard ducks, I don't remember seeing ducks along here before.  In places along the walk there was ice on the puddles, is this cold weather ever going to end?

The river Highland Water, it's easy to see where it has flooded recently.

Back at the car park we saw a bird that we had to look up in our bird book, it was a Marsh Tit making the most of some food left by other visitors.

Another note from today is that about a mile from home there are two fields of sheep and today was the first time this year that I have seen lambs there, one poor sheep had triplets, rather her than me!!

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