Tuesday 23 September 2014

Honister Pass

Tuesday 23rd September 2014

As had been forecast the weather today was quite wet and miserable but we headed for Buttermere anyway hoping that it would clear up enough to get out for a walk around the lake. Unfortunately by mid afternoon the rain looked pretty set in so we chickened out and decided against getting soaked to the skin.  On the way back we stopped off in Honister Pass and successfully found a geocache that we tried and failed to find on a previous visit a few years ago.

Honister Pass.

There were herdwick sheep high up on the edge of the scree, only visible by the red spray paint on their backs!

We found today that many drivers quite clearly have no idea how wide their cars are - they obviously think they are the size of a tank - they are not

One of the locals - a herdwick sheep.

By early evening it had started to dry up so we went out for a walk of a couple of miles around Grasmere.

Apologies for the dreadful photo but it was getting dusky and I took this at speed as the Lake District rush hour was disappearing  round a corner, here we have the tail end of the herd!

Shortly after the cows we came across two small deer who didn't seem too bothered by us even though we were quite close to them, the photo of the deer is even worse than the cows so I haven't included it!

It was getting quite dark at this point (although it doesn't  look it) and the lights in the cottages looked really cosy, time to get back before the bats are out and about - I don't like bats!

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