Monday 22 September 2014

Grasmere and Rydal Water

Monday 22nd September 2014

Today was an epic walk, well for us it was anyway!  The route started in Grasmere  along the edge of the lake then alongside the River Rothay through White Moss Wood, across the A591 and UP - definitely up - to join the Coffin Trail to Rydal.  

The edge of the lake at Grasmere.

It started out warm and a little hazy but by lunchtime the sun was out again, for the second day running, shorts and t shirts were just right.

The lake was perfectly still, just right for autumnal reflections.

There are always Canada Geese alongside the lake and we saw a large flock landing on Rydal Water later on in the walk.

Money may not grow on trees in the Lake District but it's found in dead trees and tree stumps! Very odd.  (I have just looked this up on Google and apparently they are wishing trees - add a coin and make a wish!)

Rydal Water.

The caves at Rydal.

The River Rothay.

A welcome sight.

This is the site of an old wishing gate, we found a geocache here and made a wish!


The Coffin Stone - an explanation - 

and the stone itself.

From Rydal we crossed back across the main road and walked around the other side of Rydal Water, stopping off at Rydal Caves and back through White Moss Wood to Joseph's ice cream van (an iconic place for us) where we just had to have an ice lolly and very welcome it was too. Eating a lolly and climbing up a steep hill don't really mix but it had to be done!  We re-joined the Coffin Trail at How Top and it was all downhill into Grasmere passed Dove Cottage.

We walked 7.7 miles, found 9 geocaches and spoke to lots of friendly walkers, one of whom offered to call me an ambulance - no idea why I was only eating my lunch and felt fine!!!!!  One very friendly older couple gave us their life story, we met them a few times on the walk and each time we got more information - that's walkers for you!

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