Thursday 25 September 2014

Around Grasmere

Thursday 25th September 2014

After yesterday's hard walk up Scafell Pike we took things a bit easier today and walked around a fairly flat route.  We went searching for geocaches around Grasmere and found some places we haven't been to before.  It's a good job you can't smell the farm that we passed this afternoon, it was very very smelly, enough to make your hair curl as my Dad used to say!

Looking towards Grasmere.

Searching for a geocache took us to these stepping stones, with Helm Crag in the background.

More shiny signs of autumn - conkers.

Geese on the move, you hear them before seeing them.

From the garden centre in Grasmere looking towards St Oswald's Church.

We walked 5.5 miles and found 3 caches, another good day.

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