Friday 26 September 2014

Harrop Tarn and Thirlmere

Friday 26th September 2014

After a night of heavy rain, the morning cleared off nicely so we headed for a favourite spot, parking near Thirlmere for a walk up (slowly - I'm still feeling the effects of Scafell Pike on my calf muscles!!) to Harrop Tarn.

Climbing up to Harrop Tarn, looking back at Thirlmere and the lower slopes of Helvellyn.

After the rain last night the rocky 'path' was pretty slippery.

Harrop Tarn - a fantastic relaxing spot and we didn't see another soul.  Since we were last here three years ago there has been some serious tree felling and it all looks quite different. Before a spot of lunch I dangled my feet in and tagged the tarn and it wasn't too cold either.

And looking in the other direction towards Seat Sandal.

Now, there's a decent sized gate - do you think maybe someone wants to keep the deer out?


..... the water level is looking quite low, look out Manchester!!!!

From one of the information boards about Thirlmere.

We had a lovely walk of about four miles and found four caches - one of which we spent ages looking for a few years ago and as luck would have it this time we almost went straight to it.

On the way back to Grasmere we stopped off at a lay-by in Dunmail Raise to get a photo of the old AA box, just as I had taken a photo, who should turn up and park next to the box but....

the AA!

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