Thursday 12 June 2014

The Itchen Navigation from Shawford to Hockley

Thursday 12th June 2014

Today we had a sunny warm morning for a walk along the Itchen Navigation from Shawford to Hockley, slightly under a 3 mile round trip.  We didn't see a great deal of wildlife but there was plenty of birdsong, particularly from a very tuneful thrush.  We saw fish of all sizes from tiny specks to those about a foot long,  fish identification is not really my thing so I have no idea what they were but as the water was so clear they were easy to pick out.  We saw a couple of fishermen in the river fly fishing but they didn't appear to be having a great deal of success, they should have been further up the river!

The Itchen Navigation with beautifully clear water.

An old lock, Compton Lock, there were people swimming here when we came back,

it looked quite inviting,
especially when your feet are hot in walking socks and boots!

A calm and relaxing place.

We walked as far as Hockley where there is a bridge under the M3 where swallows nest, there were plenty about but were too tricky to photograph as it was quite dark under the bridge. I was glad we saw them however as they are quite special.

The traffic thundering by above on the M3 obviously doesn't worry them.

Another quick walk done and dusted, just in time for lunch.

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