Monday 2 June 2014

Michelmersh near Romsey

Monday 2nd June 2014

We tried to find a couple of geocaches near Michelmersh church a couple of months ago but for one reason or another we couldn't find either, today we decided after a trip to the local tip to have another go.  One was out of the question, unfortunately, as there were men working on the fence right where we wanted to search, the other we found fairly quickly with the help of a new hint on the cache details. We then had a short walk along part of the Monarch's Way for a bit of fresh air (fresher in some places than others!) 

A tiny kissing gate at St Mary's Church, Michelmersh.

This field was being ploughed and from the healthy aroma I can only assume they had been muck flinging at some stage - it was enough to make your hair curl!!!

A clematis hanging over the footpath which was closing in quite badly.....

Everything is certainly growing well - most of it across the footpath!

Enclosed in green.

Beautiful, delicate, lilac poppies by the church door.

It was good to see lots of swallow/house martin/swifts swooping around near the farm and across the fields, there were certainly plenty of flies around to keep them and their babies well fed.  It looks like we'll be back again some time to have a search for the first cache once the fence men have done their thing, but I'm not complaining, it's a lovely peaceful place.

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