Friday 13 June 2014

Hengistbury Head

Friday 13th June 2014

We had a lovely, if rather hot and muggy 4 mile walk around Hengistbury Head today.  We were surprised by how busy it was, with plenty of people about and several large groups of students on field trips.  

Looking towards Bournemouth,

and looking on the other side of the Head, Christchurch Harbour with Christchurch Priory on the left in the distance.

The trig point with Old Harry Rocks and Swanage in the distance.

A nice spot for a bit of lunch and a paddle.

The Isle of Wight and the Needles on the right - that sea is going downhill again!

Beach huts at the end of Hengistbury Head - and very nice they are too, but very expensive!

The interesting cliffs that the students have come to see.

There were a few of these cute little fishes, shame they were dead! (Toes are in the photo as a size gauge!)

A large blue jellyfish, unfortunately dead!

This raven, one of a pair on the beach, had found a bag of sandwiches, and at one point was carrying the bag about, being bombed by gulls who wanted a piece of the action.

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