Tuesday 3 June 2014

Busketts Lawn Near Ashurst

Tuesday 3rd June 2014

We had a couple of spare hours this afternoon so decided to stay fairly local and do a bit of geocaching in the woods near Ashurst.  This area is very popular with dog walkers and we saw quite a few today but still managed to get off the beaten track looking for caches.  The first one took us into the woods where we found funny clay faces on a tree, not something you see everyday.


A bridge over the Bartley Water.

The Bartley Water again, close to a geocache.

There were lots of butterflies flying around this afternoon in the sunshine, all too quick to photograph, however this cool little insect, a black-headed cardinal beetle was going nowhere! 


We successfully found the six or seven caches that we went looking for and had a nice afternoon out in the sun, so all is good.

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