Tuesday 1 January 2013

It's All Water Over The Bridge

Tuesday 1st January 2013

A beautiful New Year's Day called for a breath of fresh air, a search for a geocache and a walk.  We went to Testwood Lakes near Totton which today was very aptly named as there was far more lake than usual. 

 I have a new weapon in the fight back against the recent mud and water - new Hunter wellies - so I am ready for water or mud up to my knees! 

I well and truly christened the wellies today as the footpath round the main lake was partly underwater and the river Blackwater was running over  a bridge. 

We couldn't reach the cache from the route we intended so we had to divert and cross more mud, water and sludge to try from the other side of the field only to find that the cache was located at the base of a tree and  the bases of all the trees were under water - no cache in sight, so not our day!

However whilst mud sliding, a buzzard was calling and circling overhead and between sliding I managed a quick photo but although there was a lovely blue sky the buzzard was just a pin prick in the distance!  I saw a Jay pecking around in the grass in the industrial estate nearby but today's nature notes are mainly to do with water, everywhere.

On the seed feeder this morning at home we had a pair of siskins, another winter visitor that we get in the garden every few years.  We also saw a male chaffinch feeding under the feeder - again a common little bird but not in our garden.

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