Wednesday 16 January 2013

Ocknell - New Forest

Wednesday 16th January 2013

We had a walk today to Ocknell Pond through the  - funnily enough - deserted campsite and the woods.  It doesn't seem that long ago that the pond was all dried up, today however it was flooded and looked far too deep in places for even my epic wellies.  We walked back across Stoney Cross - the old wartime airfield and the wind was so cold I could have had all manner of dental work carried out without an anaesthetic my face was so numb.  We saw about 7deer grazing in a particularly boggy patch - good for a photo opportunity.  We saw several kestrels overhead and just as we were nearly back at the car we saw about 5 or 6 fallow deer very close up - stealth called and I got a few blurry photos.    

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