Friday 18 January 2013

Birds and Snow

Friday 18th January 2013

We rarely get snow in our neck of the woods, but this morning as forecast we had more snow than we've had for a few years.  It snowed for more or less 6 hours and left us with about 3 inches of snow.  I cleared a space on the patio for the bird food but unusually the birds were very nervous about landing it was all very odd.  Instead of the food disappearing within quarter of an hour it lingered for most of the day but there were birds around on and off all day especially the small birds that don't normally get a look in thanks to jackdaws and wood pigeons.  

We went out for an evening walk this eveing and the snow was still settled on the trees, everywhere looked magical - it did help that everywhere was particularly quiet with very little traffic on the roads.

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