Saturday 26 January 2013

RSPB Garden Birdwatch

Saturday 26th January 2013

Today we took part in the RSPB Garden Birdwatch, with fairly good results for us.  This is what we will submit online.

Seen between 9.05 and 10.05am (the most seen at one time of each species).
  • 2 Blackbirds
  • 9 Wood Pigeons
  • 9 Jackdaws
  • 5 Starlings
  • 1 Rook
  • 4 Sparrows
  • 1 Dunnock
  • 4 Greenfinches
  • 1 Great Tit
  • 9 Goldfinches
  • 3 Blue Tits
  • 1 Blackcap
  • 1 Pied Wagtail
  • 1 Wren
  • 1 Chaffinch

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