Monday 31 December 2012

New Years Eve

Monday 31st December 2012

The rain was back again today but despite the miserable conditions we ventured out for a walk.  We went out hoping to find our 300th geocache of the year and we managed this at the Knightwood Oak  - the largest and reportedly one of the oldest oak trees in the New Forest at about 600 years old.  The ground is absolutley saturated everywhere and the forest tracks are just mud, mud more mud and puddles/small lakes.  Negotiating these tracks now involves diverting through the trees and over numerous small streams!

On our trip out today we saw;

  • A buzzard landing on open ground (I'm still always surprised by their large wing span)
  • A group of 4 or 5 deer in a distant field - seen from the M27 on the way home.

We keep the the birds in our garden well fed and watered all year and today we saw three birds that seem to be mainly winter visitors.

  • Blackcap (female) - been around for about a week now.
  • Pied Wagtail -  a common bird but unusual for us.
  • Wren - seen very rarely in our garden.
Here are a couple of photos taken today that show just how wet and soggy things are underfoot - it wasn't really a day for photography!!  Let's hope that 2013 is drier than 2012.

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