Sunday 30 December 2012

Lymington Lanes

Sunday 30th December 2012

Today on the radio was classed as chill out Sunday as there's a bit of a lull between Christmas and  New Year.  It's become a tradition to visit family in Lymington around New Year and today was the chosen day, chill out Sunday!  It was bright and breezy, (quite a pleasant change after all the rain we've had of late) just right to blow away a few cobwebs.  We walked around the local lanes, part of the Salterns and some of the sea walls before heading into Lymington town centre to see 'Ben Ainsley's' gold postbox.  On our 4.5 mile walk, nature of note included;

  • Little Egrets
  • Sparrowhawk (having trouble staying upright on a telegraph wire, obviously keeping an eye on something tasty!)
  • Buzzard
  • Canada geese (quite noisy) 
  • Curlews (group of about 20 in a field)
  • Roe deer (6 munching quite happily out in the open fields)
  • Cormorants and various water fowl
  • Lots of surface water - everywhere!!
A great walk and back just in time for lunch.

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