Tuesday 17 January 2017

Millyford Bridge Nr Lyndhurst - A Circular Walk

Tuesday 17th January 2017

We made the effort this morning to get out in the New Forest, somewhere we used to walk a great deal and nowadays don't do nearly enough.  We went back to a favourite location, Millyford Bridge near Lyndhurst for just over a 4 mile circular walk.  To be honest it was a quiet walk with nothing much going on and for most of the walk not even any bird song but it was once again good to be out in the fresh air and to see trees for a change instead of coast (not that I'm complaining, just saying!).

The only New Forest pony we saw on the whole walk!

Looking at these photos they look a bit dreary, it was a dull day but it was a lovely walk!
When we got back to the car we watched and managed to take a photo of a little bird that we knew was a tit of some sort, after consultation with a bird identification group on facebook it has been confirmed as a marsh tit.  Another new bird for us.

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