Friday 20 January 2017

Frozen Lakes on Southampton Common

Friday 20th January 2017

To get a few more walking miles in this week, we stayed local this morning and had aquick 2.5 ish mile walk around Southampton Common and the Old Cemetery. It was very cold, and unsurprisingly the lakes were frozen and had obviously been so for a few days.  On the Ornamental Lake the swans and ducks just had a little area still ice free.  I think they thought we were there bearing a gift of food, and I felt quite guilty not having anything for them. Next time!

The frozen Ornamental Lake.

The Cemetery Lake was frozen too, with birds wandering around on the ice.  
The frozen Cemetery Lake.

We then saw a couple of jays and squirrels in the cemetery and a friendly robin singing his little hear out on the way back to the car.

I've taken a photo of this rhododendron before, and I couldn't resist it again as it's spectacular and a nice splash of colour at this time of year.  It's a big old shrub on the entrance to the Common just off of the Avenue by the Northlands Road entrance.

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