Friday 6 January 2017

A Freezing Walk at Chapmans Pool

Friday 6th January 2017

We had a cold walk today, so cold in fact I had to wear a hat and that doesn't happen very often, once a year maybe twice!  We parked near Worth Matravers and walked on a footpath across the fields to the cliff overlooking Chapman's Pool.  I stayed calm as we walked through a herd of cows, luckily they seemed amiable enough!  

More interested in eating than me - suits me just fine!

Evidence of the hat!

And it's back to muddy conditions again!

The cottages at St Aldhelms Head.

This down and up again section of the footpath doesn't look too offensive but it is!!  Steep down and hard work back up again.

Once up the other side, here's a view looking back.

Moody skies.

Time for coffee, and a walk back through the fields to the car.

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