Tuesday 6 October 2015

Moody Swanage

Tuesday 5th October 2015

Swanage this afternoon was quite different to our last visit a couple of weeks ago.  The weather was quite moody, there were far less visitors and the beach was empty but it was still good to just sit and watch.

Taken at high tide with a bit of a swell.

Moonfleet out in the bay.

It was so quiet on the beach even the pigeons could relax and take it easy without being bothered.

Moody skies.

A bit of colour on a bit of a grey day.

The deserted beach.

Looking in the other direction towards Ballard Down.

The Banjo, unusual to see it empty.

We saw this cormorant successfully catch a fish for it's tea!

Having wandered around for a couple of hours and with rain threatening we decided to get moving and get back before we got wet (we stayed dry luckily).

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