Wednesday 28 October 2015

Ladycross Near Brockenhurst

Wednesday 28th October 2015

We haven't been in the New Forest for a while and as the trees have been noticeably changing colour this week it was about time we made the effort to go there.  We went to a favourite spot near Brockenhurst where we regularly see deer, but today we only saw a couple - one of which barked like a dog at us (from a distance), not very friendly I didn't think!

Evidence of recent forestry operations, log piles,

lots of them!

The beech trees were particularly colourful,

but not much colour amongst the fir trees.

At one point in the walk we had to go cross country to avoid a large stretch of boggy mud and water, an up side to this was that there was plenty of fungi camouflaged amongst the fallen leaves.

All shapes and sizes.

Fungi code!

Beech tree colour.

New Forest ponies grazing alongside the railway track.

A quick walk, taking in one geocache and lots of autumny things!

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