Friday 2 October 2015

Helvellyn A Climb Of 3117ft

Friday 2nd October 2015

We left this walk/climb up England's third highest mountain, until the last day of our holiday in the Lake District.  Luckily the weather was just as good as it's been all week although to start off with it was misty in Grasmere.  We parked in the Swirls car park at Thirlspot above Thirlmere, for our epic climb. For the first time this week I started off with a jumper on, but that soon had to go as the climb starts almost immediately and we got really warm very quickly.

Going up - looking back at Thirlmere.

It was a hot and sweaty climb in the sunshine, on a previous climb up here one August there was a strong cold wind, however today in early October there was no breath of wind to cool us down.  Most of the way up the path is fine, made up of rocky steps but in places there are loose stones and scrabbly bits of rock, still we made it in 2.5 hours including various small stops and a well earned lunch stop.

Red Tarn and Striding Edge from the summit of Helvellyn.

Striding Edge.

Us at the summit.

Walkers on the whole are a friendly bunch and today we got chatting to a very nice man on the summit who volunteered to take this photo, so thanks Cyril!

If you've climbed 3117ft, you've got to have a photo at the summit!

Amazing views at an amazing place - shame the peace and quiet was shattered by a drone that someone had taken up there!

And so back down, which to be honest isn't as easy as it sounds, it took us just under 2 hours.
Today we walked 5.5 miles, it was a hard old slog up but well worth it for the views on the way up and at the top.  I can thoroughly recommend it.

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