Monday 26 October 2015

Autumnal Day

Monday 26th October 2015

We had a walk of just under 5 miles into and around Swanage this morning.  There was a real autumnal feel to the air today, gone was the sunshine we had yesterday and back came the easterly winds blowing in off  the sea (bringing with it masses of seaweed onto the beach). The trees have definitely started changing colour this week and there are some fantastic autumnal colours about.

Old man's beard and rose hips along the footpath,

and a splash of colour.

We walked along to Peveril Point, where looking out to sea the sun was shining.

A gloomy sort of day, with a choppy sea, well choppy for Swanage that is!

A misty view looking towards the town.

The Swanage lifeboat is having a new boathouse built so for now the boat is moored out at sea. The crane in this photo is being used on the building of the modern replacement boathouse.

Out to sea the lifeboat was doing a bit more than bobbing about this morning!

Info about the Swanage lifeboat.

We stood watching this kestrel overhead for a little while, the wind was quite strong as it hovered above, but apart from it's tail flicking it hardly moved, it was quite amazing to watch.

Despite the lack of sunshine we had a great walk, it's good to see Swanage in different moods.

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