Wednesday 28 October 2015

Ladycross Near Brockenhurst

Wednesday 28th October 2015

We haven't been in the New Forest for a while and as the trees have been noticeably changing colour this week it was about time we made the effort to go there.  We went to a favourite spot near Brockenhurst where we regularly see deer, but today we only saw a couple - one of which barked like a dog at us (from a distance), not very friendly I didn't think!

Evidence of recent forestry operations, log piles,

lots of them!

The beech trees were particularly colourful,

but not much colour amongst the fir trees.

At one point in the walk we had to go cross country to avoid a large stretch of boggy mud and water, an up side to this was that there was plenty of fungi camouflaged amongst the fallen leaves.

All shapes and sizes.

Fungi code!

Beech tree colour.

New Forest ponies grazing alongside the railway track.

A quick walk, taking in one geocache and lots of autumny things!

Monday 26 October 2015

Autumnal Day

Monday 26th October 2015

We had a walk of just under 5 miles into and around Swanage this morning.  There was a real autumnal feel to the air today, gone was the sunshine we had yesterday and back came the easterly winds blowing in off  the sea (bringing with it masses of seaweed onto the beach). The trees have definitely started changing colour this week and there are some fantastic autumnal colours about.

Old man's beard and rose hips along the footpath,

and a splash of colour.

We walked along to Peveril Point, where looking out to sea the sun was shining.

A gloomy sort of day, with a choppy sea, well choppy for Swanage that is!

A misty view looking towards the town.

The Swanage lifeboat is having a new boathouse built so for now the boat is moored out at sea. The crane in this photo is being used on the building of the modern replacement boathouse.

Out to sea the lifeboat was doing a bit more than bobbing about this morning!

Info about the Swanage lifeboat.

We stood watching this kestrel overhead for a little while, the wind was quite strong as it hovered above, but apart from it's tail flicking it hardly moved, it was quite amazing to watch.

Despite the lack of sunshine we had a great walk, it's good to see Swanage in different moods.

Friday 16 October 2015

Autumn Steam Gala - Swanage Railway

Friday 16th October 2015

After a breath of fresh air this morning on Ballard Down, this afternoon we had a quick mooch around Swanage Market before wandering back past Swanage Station where the Autumn Steam Gala was in full swing with many people stopping off for a look.  We hung around for about an hour watching and taking it all in.  I don't know much about steam trains, however they are certainly elegant and great to watch.  Here are a few photos.

The station staff had certainly made an effort and looked very smart.

A Pullman car.

Taking on water.

Ballard Down

Friday 16th October 2015

We had a short but very blustery walk from a car park at Ulwell up to Ballard Down and back via the obelisk.  There are fantastic views across Swanage Bay from the footpath and there is a very convenient seat just over half way up where we sat for a while and just watched, nice!  

 A kestrel?  (Zoomed in to infinity and beyond!)


A chilled out young local.

I knew it was windy as I couldn't see!!!!

Poole Harbour.

From here it was mostly a steep downhill back to the car.  This was a quick two mile walk but after being in thewind we certainly felt like we'd had our share of fresh air for the day!

Thursday 15 October 2015

North Beach Swanage

Thursday 15th October 2015

We popped out late on this afternoon for a three mile walk along the north beach of Swanage. Before we reached the beach we were stopped by some very polite students who wanted to ask our views on coastal development, this done we carried on along a footpath through the Ballard Private Estate.  We stood taking in the view for a while then headed on down to the deserted beach.

The view looking back at Swanage from the cliffs above the beach.

As a result of a landslide, this tree ended up on the beach.

We walked on further than we have before, it helped that there was a spring tide today so the low tide that was due in a couple of hours would be very low.

I spotted this mermaids purse on the stones, this at one time contained the eggs of the lesser spotted dogfish (I think!).

Just how I like Swanage - empty!

The cliffs at Ballard Down.

There are amazing colours in the cliffs, greens and blue/greys mixed in amongst rich reds.

Such a calm place.

I couldn't help but be reminded of dolly mixtures when I saw this beach hut - it definitely stands out!

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Moody Swanage

Tuesday 5th October 2015

Swanage this afternoon was quite different to our last visit a couple of weeks ago.  The weather was quite moody, there were far less visitors and the beach was empty but it was still good to just sit and watch.

Taken at high tide with a bit of a swell.

Moonfleet out in the bay.

It was so quiet on the beach even the pigeons could relax and take it easy without being bothered.

Moody skies.

A bit of colour on a bit of a grey day.

The deserted beach.

Looking in the other direction towards Ballard Down.

The Banjo, unusual to see it empty.

We saw this cormorant successfully catch a fish for it's tea!

Having wandered around for a couple of hours and with rain threatening we decided to get moving and get back before we got wet (we stayed dry luckily).