Wednesday 26 August 2015

Signs of Autumn

Wednesday 26th August 2015

Summer is just about hanging on, although the last few days have been a bit challenging at times, with much cooler temperatures and torrential rain. This afternoon the sun made an appearance for a while so we headed off to Durlston County Park for a quick walk.  It seemed as though many people had the same idea as it was busier today than it has been all summer. We started off in coats as the wind was quite cool off of the sea and once we were out of the wind the coat came off ........ and almost immediately I got bitten by a horsefly!  

Anvil Point Lighthouse (plus annoying telegraph pole!)

The signs of autumn were there, this tree was loaded with pears (or at least I think that's what they were, they had a distinctly pear shape in a very small way)

There were a few sloes around but not many, a bad year maybe?

Masses of Old Man's Beard as usual in a favourite spot.

Fungi in a circle, maybe a fairy ring?

Anvil Point Lighthouse (without the telegraph pole this time!)

At the Tilly Whim Caves - the location of the horsefly bite (the second one of the summer, they are a right pain, resulting in a very hot, aching, swollen tight bursting sausage like feeling in my arm for a couple of days).

It was nice to see a bit of swell on the sea for a change.

Pirate ship ahoy on the horizon.  I hope the people on it weren't prone to sea sickness as it was bobbing up and down big time, it made me feel a bit queasy just watching it.

Just lovely.

Last sign of autumn for today, blackberries - yum!

Sunday 23 August 2015

A Bird in the Hand Followed by a Toad in the Hand

Sunday 23rd August 2015

Summer has gone of that I am fairly sure - not that it ever really came in the first place this year! This morning the weather was dire, dark with heavy rain and Winnie the wood pigeon is proof of just how wet it was.  She seemed pleased to see me on our back steps, or rather seemed very pleased to see the suet I gave her, in fact once she'd eaten it she shook like a wet dog and sprayed me with water - several times.

This afternoon it dried up and the sun came out for a while so we got out for a walk in Hiltingbury, where I came across this little toad on the footpath.

Tiny and perfectly formed - a nice day for little toads I would imagine, there was no shortage of water that's for sure.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Last burst of Summer in the Garden

Saturday 22nd August 2015

This is just a quick post to show off the last bit of colour in our garden at the moment. 

I was admiring this begonia in my next door neighbours garden yesterday, by this morning it had been blown off in the heavy rain and my lovely neighbour left it on the wall for me - I put it in a saucer of water, where it stayed fresh for a good few days.

One of my standard fuchsias, this one is checker board and it's still covered in these long elegant flowers.

Swing time, a proper showy fuchsia, one of our favourites.

Another epic standard, Empress of Prussia.

Victoria plums.

Buddleia, much loved by butterflies.

Finally, braeburn apples.

Sunday 16 August 2015

A Visit From A Slow Worm

Sunday 16th August 2015

Whilst sweeping up leaves in the garden I came across this very attractive slow worm (about 14 inches long), glinting in the sunshine.  I swept over it twice before I realised that there was something there.  It didn't seem to be any worse for wear so I grabbed the camera and took a few pics.

After a while it moved off slowly, looking for an escape then disappeared through a hole in the wall.  Maybe it lives in or around the garden, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.  (I believe they eat slugs and there are masses of them around, so yes please, do hang around and feel free to dine on slugs!!)

Thursday 6 August 2015

Nine Barrow Down

Thursday 6th August 2015

We had a lovely walk this afternoon from Ulwell in Swanage along the Purbeck Way towards Corfe Castle.  We parked the car in a large lay-by that has what looks like a spring flowing into a ditch along the edge of it, the water looked so clear and clean I had to take a photo of it.

After last night's gloomy weather, a bit of blue sky and sunshine was very welcome.  Looking towards Swanage Bay.

The rolling chalk hills.

We spent a while seeking out different places in Swanage, everything looked so small!

Dead trig point, live cow!  This trig point no longer appears on OS maps so I guess it has been decommisioned or whatever it is that happens to ex trig points!

Guess which way the wind normally blows!


We walked for about 2 miles to some tumuli where we successfully found a geocache then walked back more or less along the same route.

We saw a kissing gate like this a few weeks ago in this area, this one though.....

.........has City of London on it, I wonder what the story is behind it?  London isn't really on the doorstep.

Four miles walked, lots to look at from a great height including fantastic views of Poole Harbour and Swanage. 

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Wednesday 5th August 2015

It's not been very summery of late, in fact this evening it was more like late autumn it was so dull, dreary and blowy on the coast. We had a walk along the north end of the beach in Swanage - in coats, for goodness sake it's August, what's going on? There weren't many people about, and even less at this end of the beach away from the hustle and bustle of the town.  There was drizzle in the air along with rumblings of thunder and the odd strike of lightening out to sea, which together with a dark grey sky was quite moody .  It was quite fascinating looking at the many styles of beach huts built over the years, most of them traditional with modern ones thrown in. We walked on beyond the beach huts and groins further than we've walked before along this section of beach, where large parts of the sand were perfectly untouched, not a footprint in sight.  

Looking towards Ballard Down.

The lifeboat was on the move out in the bay, we wondered if it was a training evening?

A brisk walk and plenty of fresh air then back to watch the Great British Bake Off!!!