Wednesday 27 May 2015

Late Spring, Flowers and Sheep

Wednesday 27th May 2015

Here are a few photos from our walk along the Priest's Way in Swanage (again!), you can never have too much of a good thing!

A special spot overlooking Swanage.

Five rams - they look like bruisers and a bit thuggish but unlike most other sheep they didn't run away when I went and had a little chat with them.  Freshly shorn and friendly it was good to see them.

Not sure about the looks but I reckon he's a bit of a character!

Buttercups were everywhere.

Spring flowers and warm sunshine - nice.

Just watching.

A carpet of buttercups and clover.

Boats in the bay and a cow head on the wall.

We turned towards the coast and joined the cliff path at Dancing Ledge - the boats in the bay may well be there looking at the cliffs where puffins have been seen of late.

I have no idea why this is in the wall, but why not!

On the footpath back from the coast I spotted these caterpillars, just looking at them now makes me a bit uncomfortable, one caterpillar on it's own is fine, masses together, I'm not so sure!

Another lovely 4 mile walk with lots to see and an added bonus, the sun shone. 

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