Friday 1 May 2015

Birds in Cornwall

Friday 1st May 2015

I meant to write about the birds we saw in Cornwall last weekend, but have only just remembered it!  I noted down everything we saw and here is the list with a few bird photos - some better than others!

This herring gull had been fishing in rockpools a few seconds earlier.

Baby blackbird about to fledge.

Black backed gull (don't know if it's lesser or greater?)

Herring gulls dozing in the sun.

This herring gull has nesting material in it's beak, it had been pulling at grass moments earlier.

I was pleased to see a raven on the beach.

I know it's not a bird but we saw a few lizards of various shades of green through the week, basking in the sunshine.

Blackbird                                              Sand Martin
Raven                                                    Skylark
Sandwich Tern                                     Sparrow
Wren                                                     Starling
Herring Gull                                          Buzzard
Robin                                                    Great Tit
Crow                                                     Goldfinch
Chaffinch                                              Curlew
Swallow                                                Black Backed Gull
Jackdaw                                               Mallard
Stonechat                                             Blue Tit
Sparrowhawk                                       Rook
Dunnock                                               Oyster Catcher
Wood pigeon                                       Collared Dove
Feral Pigeon                                        Turnstone
Cormorant                                            Shag

Quite a good list I reckon - we did see lots of other little brown birds, but one little brown bird looks pretty similar to another little brown bird and without photos to refer back to it was very tricky!

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