Thursday 21 May 2015

Corfe Common

Wednesday 20th May 2015

We had a walk into Swanage this morning (a mile each way) where it's beginning to look a lot like summer is on the way (even if the weather isn't looking much like summer).


Deck chairs and kayaks - take your pick.

In the afternoon we parked in the car park near Corfe Castle and walked through the village to Corfe Common where we spent a while trying to find a geocache, which we did eventually.  It was probably the best kept cache we have visited and we've visited a few!  

The bluebells maybe over in our garden but on Corfe Common there were masses, huge drifts of them.

Bluebells with Corfe Castle in the distance.

The rolling countryside looking towards Kingston from the site of the best kept geocache we have ever found.

We met a friendly dog walker just before this and had a bit of a chat with her whilst her border collie headed straight for a deep puddle/small pond and just sat in it and waited - wet dog - hmmmmm her other dog was a cross jack russell and a beagle - very odd.

The bluebells were very lovely but it seemed odd to see them out in the open rather than under trees.  Another weird thing was that they didn't appear to have leaves like the normal large bluebell leaves, in fact they didn't really have leaves at all.

We then moved from bluebells to buttercups.

Corfe Castle.

We walked past the castle just as the steam train was passing, and here we have a less than magic photo of the train!  (It really needs the road work barriers cropping off!)

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