Saturday 9 May 2015

Bluebells, Cowslips and Shorn Sheep on the Priests Way

Saturday 9th May 2015

It was a lovely sunny afternoon with a perfect blue sky but there was a strong wind whipping about!  Despite the wind we had a couple of walks, one was cut short when I realised my phone wasn't in my pocket where it had been - we retraced the mile and a bit only to find it was  in the house where I had put my boots on!  We went back out again and to the the coast where we sat and just looked!

Now here we have a couple of smartly shorn sheep.

I prefer them with a bit more wool on!

Bluebells and cowslips.

Looking at this scene, I think it  could pass for hundreds of years ago.

Aha!  Not shorn sheep, gorgeous

This small slope had lots of cowslips on it, this area must be ideal for cowslips as we saw a fair few out this afternoon.

To summarise this afternoons walk, five miles walked, one phone lost then found, lambs now much bigger, some sheep shorn and some not, wild flowers aplenty, sunshine and blue sky, and a very keen wind!

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