Friday 19 December 2014

Worth Matravers and Winspit

Friday 19th December 2014

We had a pleasant but fairly muddy walk today from the village of Worth Matravers in Dorset out to the coast at Winspit.  It was unusually warm today so the sheepskin gloves were very much over the top and surplus to requirements.  We've had a bit of rain lately but I didn't think it would be enough to make it soggy and muddy underfoot, how wrong can I have been!  We walked the mile or so down to the quarry on the coast at Winspit, where there were quite large waves rolling in and crashing on the rocks below.

The duck pond at Worth Matravers............
.........with three rather lovely residents.

Just along the lane we bumped into this friendly festive little robin.

The impressive disused quarry at Winspit, for info look here

The quarry buildings taken into the bright sun.

In amongst the rocks of the quarry was this carved head, very creepy I thought.

The waves were quite epic (for this part of the coast anyway) but as usual the photo doesn't really show how large they were.

Looking towards Durlston in the distance.

Nice, I'm happy with this one, nothing else to say about it!

Looking back at the quarry.

We then walked on along the coast a bit before turning inland and squelching our way through fields of mud.  For the first time in a long while we did some geocaching, we successfully found four caches on our route of just over 3 miles.  Then it was back to Worth Matravers, a lovely village, where we once more admired the ducks, well, it would have been rude not to!

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