Monday 1 December 2014

Old Harry Rocks

Monday 1st December 2014

It's been a while since we've been out walking so it was good to get out today and wow was it windy and cold! We walked from Studland to Old Harry Rocks, it was dull and grey but I'm sure on a clear blue day the views across to Sandbanks and Bournemouth are fantastic. 

Proof that it was windy!!!

Old Harry Rocks.

According to the information board in the car park, Old Harry rocks are chalk stacks made from compressed remains of tiny sea creatures.  The stacks may be names after Harry Paye, a Poole pirate.  He led raids along the coast of France and Spain in the late 14th and early 15th centuries, capturing ships loaded with wine, olive oil and jewels.  This headland marks the eastern end of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site and is the youngest in geological time. For info on the Jurassic coast see

And Old Harry Rocks from the other side!

Looking towards Durlston Head at The Pinnacles.

Studland, the South Beach.

Back in the car park is the Studland New Hygienic Bathing Machine!
, not something you see everyday!  Used by the National Trust for membership enquiries

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