Monday 29 December 2014

Studland Beach

Monday 29th December 2014

It was a cold bright and sunny day so having earned a break we chose to have a 4.5 mile walk along Studland Beach and back to the Middle Beach car park.  This was obviously a good idea, walking off the Christmas excesses, as many other people had chosen to do the same thing, most with dogs.  

Looking back towards Old Harry Rocks,

and as a speck in the distance!

A lull in people!

A closer look at Old Harry Rocks.

We turned round and headed back into the sun.

Oh go on then..........if I must!!!  & leggy shadows.

More shadows, looking towards Bournemouth in the distance.

Back near the car park there was a thatcher making a fantastic job of a new thatch

The sun was beginning to set,

and this friendly robin decided to come INTO the car and search for food.

A lovely walk, it was just a shame there were so many people about!

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