Saturday 20 December 2014

Family Christmas Walk and Picnic 2014

Saturday 20th December 2014

Our family met up today for what is now an annual Christmas walk and picnic which also included duck races and welly wanging.  We had three fairly chaotic duck races followed by lunch and hot drinks then on to welly wanging (throwing a welly boot as far as possible).  I have to say I was rubbish at this, I let go of the welly too late and threw it backwards, there's always one........

The racers, pose for their PR shots.

And they're off.

No ducks were hurt or lost during these races, all were accounted for and rescued at the end!

The racers in their finishing positions, right to left!  Mine funnily enough came last (far left!)

Welly wanging.  

A good time was had by all (I think!), eventually the cold took hold and we had to abandon the three legged and egg and spoon races.  Simple things and all that!!!!

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