Friday 14 March 2014

Tatchbury near Totton & 1000th Geocache

Friday 14th March 2014

We walked 4.5 miles today, starting out in the mist and cooler temperatures and ending in sunshine, blue sky and a pleasant warmer temperature.  

At this spot we spent far too much time looking for a geocache, it was meant to be our 1000th find but could we find it - no we couldn't, we had to put this one down as another 'did not find'. It would have been a lovely spot for number 1000, instead we had to go on a bit further to achieve this milestone.  This was the spot .............

1000th geocache

The view up the hill from the cache.

More mud and water on the footpaths, it's a good job we are still wearing wellies.

This seed head (cow parsley or hog weed?) was all on it's own at the edge of a field, just asking to be photographed and just look at the blue sky - epic!

Signing the log of another geocache, found up a fallen tree.

The mist cleared and out came the sun.

There were daffodils out all over the place today, many in out of the way strange places, but all looking very bright and cheerful.

Shortly after this we walked along a lane for a while that passed Tatchbury Manor which was quite a grand looking building and was up until recently a care home.  The care home has obviously been closed for a while  but it looked as if something is being done with the place as there was an enormous crane extended high up at the back of the building.  I hope so as it was very unusual. 

A large clump of primroses.

We searched for 7 geocaches and found 6, had a nice walk and saw lots of birds, the highlights being a jay, a long tailed tit, a buzzard fairly close up that we must have frightened out of a tree and a woodpecker on a feeder in someone's garden.

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