Sunday 16 March 2014

Stoney Cross

Sunday 16th March 2014

We had a walk today of just under four miles at Stoney Cross in the New Forest.  It was a bright sunny morning and it was warm enough to walk without a coat or jumper, positively tropical.  We walked firstly through the woods and soon spotted about five or six fallow deer, unfortunately they saw us too and they were off in the opposite direction at high speed.  It got us thinking as to why the deer are so nervous and worried by people, you would think they were used to them to a certain extent, but obviously not.  

We haven't had rain for over a week and the ground is actually beginning to very slowly dry out.

We walked for a while, parallel to the very noisy and busy A31, then turned back across the heath.  We came across more fallow deer, four beautiful stags, which took off as soon as they saw us.  A few minutes later we saw them again and so it went on, they would run and stop then we would catch up so off they would go again.

Fallow deer.

Out on the open heath land there were plenty of New Forest ponies, which according to the news recently are now a rare breed, well, there were plenty of rare breeds about this morning,

and they were quite vocal, once one started it got them all going!

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