Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bramshaw and Cadman's Pool

Wednesday 5th March 2014

We hate to be beaten by a geocache but today we were despite our best efforts.  We had to find out various things from clues in the churchyard which was looking very springlike in the sunshine.  We found all we needed to give us the cache co-ordinates but although we spent quite a while looking in all of the obvious and less obvious places we failed to find it.  

Crocuses in the churchyard.

View from the church.

Having given up on the cache we moved on to Cadman's Pool on Stoney Cross, where there are always lots of little wild birds, kept well fed by visitors.  We had a very pleasant circular walk of two miles, I even managed the whole walk without gloves or scarf, in fact by the end I had to unzip my coat - a miracle.  The only downside was the large amount of flies about, masses, trying and succeeding to get in the car, a right pain, when it was a mild enough day to have the windows open.

Close to Cadman's Pool on Stoney Cross

It wouldn't be right without  a photo of mud, I wonder if we'll ever get out of wellies and back in to walking boots.

Epic clouds.

Badger was here?

Canada Geese on Cadman's Pool - the one on the left was particularly vocal  and looking at it's beak it's mid squawk here.

Cadman's Pool

Back at the car this pony wanted to get in the car but as I wouldn't let it, it breathed all over the window  and had a good scratch on the wing mirror instead.

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