Sunday 30 March 2014

A Quick Walk

Saturday 29th March 2014

Some days I just can't be bothered and today was one of those days - however we made the effort and had a quick two mile walk at Stoney Cross.  There was plenty of activity there today, at Janesmooor Pond, two coaches were dropping off loads of young people who went off walking in groups, equipped with large rucksacks, new walking boots and sleeping rolls - good luck with that one!  A bit further on there was some sort of equestrian event happening, there were lots of horse  boxes and horse riders about, but I have no idea what they were doing.

It was cool in the wind on the open ground but out of the wind it was warm enough to take our coats off.

This area will soon be invaded by campers as the camp site opposite (Ocknell) opens soon, summer's coming!

It's beginning to dry out and it looks less muddy, although a bit further along this track it was very wet and muddy, so much so that we had to turn back.

We didn't see any deer today which is unusual for this area but then there was a lot going on and people all over the place so I don't blame them for staying hidden.  

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