Friday 4 December 2015

Southampton Common on a Bright December Morning

Friday 4th December 2015

We haven't had a walk on the Common for a while so we made the effort this morning as we had a spare hour or two.  It was a lovely bright morning and surprisingly it was fairly quiet.  

The Bellemoor Road entrance.

All was calm and sleepy at the Cemetery Lake,

even the large flock of black headed gulls was silent!

Pigeons, lots of!

There are some mighty oaks on the Common, this one I thought was especially epic.

Rhododendrons in flower, at the Northlands Road entrance.

A few remaining leaves just about hanging on.  We found a geocache not far from this spot,  well hidden in an ivy covered tree.

Very stealthy!

The Boating Lake, empty of water once again, looking a bit sad.

A busy crossroads.

It was good  to get out and see a bit of blue sky for a change.  

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