Tuesday 24 November 2015

Lambs in Late November

Tuesday 24th November 2015

Apparently there was 9.7mm of rain last night in Swanage and the ground today seemed to confirm that figure!  The footpaths on our walk today were fairly soft and muddy with large puddles here and there.  Luckily the rain kept off for our short walk out to the coast and back although the clouds were very threatening. The first sheep we came across were the three rams that we came across in the spring, not the best looking maybe but quite friendly compared to most sheep!

Definitely wet underfoot!
At this point we could hear a young lamb calling out in a field close by, and sure enough....

...... there they were!

One little lamb seemed to have mislaid his mum so of course we couldn't leave without making sure he was reunited with mum which of course he eventually was.

It's nearly December and there are still a few blackberries about.

The view from an important place for our family with those three rams mentioned earlier mooching about in the middle.

In the afternoon we had another quick walk at Durlston Country Park where it was again dull and overcast but it was good to be out in the fresh air.

Anvil Point Lighthouse......

........ in the gloom of the afternoon.

The Tilly Whim Caves with a very low tide.

Another very pleasant walk.

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