Friday 13 November 2015

Dancing Ledge & Seacombe

Friday 13th November 2015 - Unlucky For Some?

After such a long mild spell today was the coldest morning of the autumn so far.  To say it was blowy on the coast is an understatement, but it certainly blew the cobwebs away!  We parked at Langton Matravers and walked out to Dancing Ledge via Spyway Barn.  It was soft underfoot after a fair bit of rain lately and  mud soon clogged up my walking boots making it quite slippery - still it all adds to the experience!!!

The rain has made the cows nice and curly, I love this one's curly perm!

There were large waves at Dancing Ledge this morning, tricky things  to photograph - I gave up!

Dancing Ledge.

Geocaching up high - it was successfully found - eventually (not by me I may add).

Weather - variable.

At Dancing Ledge the old quarries have been blocked off but you can peek through the windows to get an idea of what is beyond the wall, it was quite eerie though.

A robin disappeared through the window into the darkness - rather him than me!

How many stiles do you need to get over one fence....... four apparently!

Dancing Ledge from further on round the coast.

At Seacombe we left the coast and headed inland, scurrying about up the valley there were some enormous rabbits.  We also saw on our walk four or five kestrels, who obviously liked the wind. As we got to the top of the hill we came across these lovelies........

........... who were full of the joys of spring.

Talking of spring, what have we here?  It's 13th November and no 52 has a very young lamb - weird.

The sheep in the front here literally leapt for joy like a young lamb as we approached - maybe it was more of a kung fu kick to warn us off!

We joined the Priests Way shortly after meeting the sheep and had a pleasant flat walk back to Spyway Barn and back to the car.  Four miles walked, epic views admired, rough seas watched, cobwebs blown well and truly away, now for a cup of tea.

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