Wednesday 30 December 2015

What a Difference A Day Makes! (Storm Frank)

Wednesday 30th December 2015

Yesterday was a lovely day in Swanage, with blue sky and a calm sea, today however was a totally different story!  The sky was dull and angry, the sea was rough and it was very windy.  We walked into Swanage at around high tide and the waves were crashing over the road, taking with it large rocks and stones from the beach, it was quite amazing.  



Stones had been thrown up onto the road.

In the summer, this is a great spot to sit at Gee Whites,  today you would have got very wet!

After lunch we had another walk round, this time, because of the rough conditions the RNLI had taken both the all weather and inshore lifeboats out on rough weather exercises.

The all weather lifeboat about to leave it's mooring.......

.... and off of Peveril Point.

Some of the lifeboat crew stood watching the lifeboat off of Peveril Point.

The inshore lifeboat.

It was good to see Swanage in such a different light today as usually it's such a calm and peaceful place. The waves were incredible and it makes you realise just what the RNLI crews have to cope with at times, such epic, brave men (and women).

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