Thursday 1 May 2014

Predannack Wollas, Cornwall

Thursday 1st May 2014

After a rainy start to the morning and a quick stop off at a scrapbooking shop we parked at Predannack Wollas for a circular walk.  This took us across marsh and farmland on the edge of Predannack Airfield and Nature Reserve to Soapy Cove on the coast and and along the south west coast path back to the car.

Near the chocolate shop and craft shop were some llamas, not something you see in fields every day.
The air quality in Cornwall must be good, how do we know this........?
because of the amount of lichen on the trees and bushes - apparently lichen is a sign of good air quality (thanks Adam for that useful info).

Do the MOD think we are blind by any chance?  Still, I suppose they don't want any stray walkers on their airfield.

Helicopters were in evidence all day (driving me mad) doing circuits, landing and taking off again straight away.  In this photo just above the letter N is a dot in the sky, this is a helicopter - it has to be said that this picture is not my finest !!!!!!

What have we here in this rather large muddy puddle?

Loads of tadpoles - hopefully by the time the puddle dries up if it ever does, these little tadpoles will be froglets and able to move on elsewhere - that is if they don't get run over by MOD vehicles!

Soapy cove (on the left) is so called because it contained one of the country's few large deposits of soapstone, which until today I had never heard of.

Another view towards Predannack Head.

Luckily the weather forecast was wrong again and we had a dry 4.25 mile walk, taking in eleven geocaches and no way attempting two that were down the side of cliffs, epic we may be but stupid we are not, there is a limit!!!

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