Wednesday 14 May 2014

Farley Near Salisbury

Wednesday 14th May 2014

We had a great 4.5 mile walk in woodland and farmland at Farley near Salisbury today. Our aim was to try and find 13 geocaches in a circuit, this we managed fairly easily with no dnfs (did not finds).  Shortly after starting out on a woodland track a gamekeeper stopped his land rover to have a chat, he has been doing his job in this area for over 50 years and he was a very interesting person to chat to, obviously with lots of local knowledge about the local bird and wildlife.  It was really nice of him to stop and chat.

The tracks were bordered by masses of cow parsley all along the walk (please note the speeding bird getting in on the act - in the blue sky on the right - on zooming in, this is a great tit).

Fields of crops.

There were lots of butterflies flitting about in the warmth of the sun, here we have a tortoiseshell, the only butterfly to keep still long enough for a photo.  We also saw a peacock, a red admiral, a brimstone and a speckled wood (we had to look this one up when we got home).  We also saw a few fallow deer, one crossed the path in front of us the rest saw us, turned and fled.

Old farm machinery, going nowhere.

A field of rape looks fantastic but smells awful .... and it makes me sneeze.

The bluebells are just beginning to go over.

A very cute black lamb.

And a very cute white one (with dinky little horns).

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