Thursday 22 May 2014

A Rainbow and The Ornamental Lake

Wednesday 21st May 2014

I have just come across some photos that I took one evening about a week ago when we came across a brilliant rainbow.  Luckily I had my camera with me so I took lots of photos, but unfortunately the rainbow was almost invisible in most of them.  This was the best one and that's not great.

A rainbow at Aldermoor.

Yesterday for the first time in ages we had a swift walk on Southampton Common, things were a lot greener than they were a few weeks ago, it looks quite different.  I especially liked the Ornamental Lake, this has looked quite plain and stark over the winter but now it looks softer and more alive.  

Irises on the edge of the Ornamental Lake.

Lilies - no sign of a frog sitting on one though!

The Island, with a swan just visible sitting on a nest.

Bright and shiny Irises.

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