Monday 7 November 2016

Studland Heath & Beach

Monday 7th November 2016

Suddenly it's cold, cold enough for a scarf and gloves, cold enough to make my hands itch! Despite the cold we popped out to Studland Heath this afternoon, where the sun was shining, the sky was blue and there were no people.... bliss!  Well, I say there were no people, I'm lying, there were a few.  We walked alongside Little Sea, where we didn't see much bird life but we did see a couple of deer on the far bank some distance away.

Little Sea.

I believe lots of berries mean we're in for a hard winter, well, there were masses and masses of berries on this holly bush so it looks like we're in trouble this winter then!

Little Sea in the afternoon sun from another angle,

and another.

I spied a couple of bulrushes on the edge of the lake, I seem to remember these being everywhere when I was young but I can't say I've seen them about much nowadays.

The deer were on the bank in the distance, so some way off.

We then crossed the heath and walked through the dunes to the beach.

Knoll Beach.

That'll be me then!!

Further on down the beach near the National Trust Cafe,  there was suddenly a mass of seaweed, thick great clumps of it.  It was very strange how it had formed into such deep shapes.

It was about time for a hot chocolate in the cafe but as we got there at 3.30 they were closing up early because there are fewer people about as the Sandbanks ferry is out of action for three weeks from today, ah well, never mind, another day maybe! 

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