Thursday 2 June 2016

Church Knowle Near Corfe Castle

Thursday 2nd June 2016

It was a lovely afternoon, sunny and warm, just right for a short walk and a spot of geocaching. There is a circuit of about seven caches close to the village of Church Knowle, so we parked there and headed off uphil!  

The footpath looks a bit overgrown, a bit different to the last time we were here nearly three months ago.

The adult sheep seem to have been recently shorn and certainly don't look as cute as their little lambs!

We haven't been geocaching much of late so it was good to get back in to it today, however finding some of these proved quite tricky and one or two took us quite a while to find but we persisted and eventually found eight out of eight.

The fence on the edge of this field appears to be in a zig zag pattern all the way up but it's made by the shadows of the fence posts on the ground, epic!

Another geocache found at this location on a hairpin bend.

My initials spotted on the hillside!!

There are masses of flowers out in the hedgerows, summer's here!

Walking back down towards Church Knowle.

There are some fantastic colours in the countryside, this tree was a striking yellowy green but it hasn't come out well in this photo.  

We walked back into the village to find a final geocache.  We had to use a fair amount of stealth retrieving this one as it was opposite a house where a lady was sitting in the sun watching us.  Luckily we've done a lot of caches over the years and we've got very good at being stealthy!!

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