Thursday 9 June 2016

A Bullfinch Pops By

Thursday 9th June 2016

One evening this week a pair of bullfinches were featured on Springwatch and it set me thinking about the last time we saw a bullfinch in our garden.  It seems like ages ago, and looking it up it was, in January 2009.  Guess who turned up in our garden the very next day and who has visited again today a few times.....

........... a beautiful male bullfinch.

Talk about a coincidence!!   On Springwatch they explained that a pair of bullfinches, unlike other birds, do things together, however there has been no sign of Mrs Bullfinch as yet.  He certainly brings a lot of colour to the feeder, you can't miss him!  

NB on Friday 10th June we saw four different finches on the feeders - goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch and bullfinch - brilliant!

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